What best fits you, inspires you, and accommodates each and every need.

If you are beginning the dream phase of a remodeling project, one of the things you’ll want to give thought to is what is your design aesthetic.  If you’re not a design professional, this may seem like a daunting exercise.  With the endless number of images and media on the topic, everything from Pinterest boards, to Facebook groups, not to mention the plethora of HGTV shows — it can honestly be a little bit overwhelming.  However, here are some tips and steps to help guide you in answering the question, “How do I determine my design aesthetic?”

  1. Self-Reflection

Identify Your Preferences: Think about what you naturally gravitate towards in terms of colors, patterns, textures, and materials. Consider your favorite pieces of clothing, home decor items, or even art pieces.

Assess Your Lifestyle: Consider how your lifestyle influences your design choices. Do you prefer minimalist designs for their simplicity, or are you drawn to maximalist styles with lots of details and decorations?

  1. Explore Different Styles

Research Design Styles: Familiarize yourself with various design styles such as modern, minimalist, rustic, industrial, bohemian, traditional, etc. Look into what defines each style, including key elements, color palettes, and typical materials used.

Browse Inspiration: Use platforms like Pinterest, Instagram, design blogs, and magazines to gather visual inspiration. Save images that resonate with you, even if you’re not sure why.  Keep in mind that these are intended to be purely inspiration as imitation may look nice, it may not necessarily be your personal style…in the end leaving you less than fulfilled.

Use a mood board to help consolidate your design preferences

  1. Create a Mood Board

Collect Images: Gather all the images you’ve saved and create a mood board, either physically or digitally. Look for common themes or elements that stand out.

Analyze the Board: Identify patterns in your mood board. Are there recurring colors, textures, or themes? This can give you insights into your preferences.

  1. Experiment and Edit

Try Different Looks: Experiment with different design elements in your own space or projects. Mix and match to see what feels right.

Refine Your Choices: As you try out different looks, take note of what works and what doesn’t. This process of elimination helps you refine your aesthetic.

  1. Seek Feedback

Ask for Opinions: Share your design ideas or mood board with friends, family, or a design community to get feedback. Sometimes others can provide insights you might have missed.

Consider Professional Advice: If possible, consult with a professional designer who can help you articulate and develop your aesthetic.

Seek out feedback from friends and family to help you uncover your design aesthetic

  1. Stay True to Yourself

Embrace Personal Elements: Incorporate personal touches that reflect your personality and experiences. This makes your design aesthetic unique and authentic.

Evolve Over Time: Understand that your aesthetic may evolve. Stay open to new inspirations and allow your style to grow with you.

  1. Practical Application

Start Small: Begin with small projects or changes, such as redecorating a single room or creating a piece of art. This allows you to experiment without feeling overwhelmed.

Expand Gradually: Once you’re more confident in your aesthetic, expand your design choices to larger projects or spaces.

As you work through the process, try asking yourself, “What have I always liked?  What things do I react to?”  If there are certain things in your life that have always appealed to you, then perhaps those are things that can influence your design decisions.  And, sometimes equally important is to ask yourself, “What doesn’t resonate with me?”  At the end of the day, your personal aesthetic should mean something to you and ultimately make you feel good.

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